"The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams" - Oprah Winfrey

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Good News, Bad News

Hello, I am sorry that I have not been updating, but the internet has been down, and have been so busy that have been unable to Blog.

Good News! 
Firstly I would like to thank everyone for the support and all the donations. Just this morning had some donations come in and some still pending, but we have raised ALL the funds for Florence's land and house. So I would like to thank everyone once again for the overwhelming support, and generous donations. Seriously I appreciate it, and Florence has no words to describe the generosity, love and support, that people have for her, even though they have not met her, and never will.

Secondly, on Monday I had a meeting with the Nduna Paul, which I spoke about in "Update on Florence", and Jane (School Chef, In charge of land with The Florence Project) said that we have a piece of land. So hopefully tomorrow, I will go to see the land with Jane.

Thirdly, the house will be built in one day, and what we do, is build them a traditional house, but its done really well, with proper roofing. The traditional houses are rectangle in shape, and are built with a type of reed. Will post a picture, as difficult to explain. They are really nice. So I will let you know, when I know, when we are building it. And of course I will be helping to build the house.

Also, Mary ( Florence's 2nd child) has now started school at VOH School, she is so clever and has made friends and of course causing trouble like all 3 and a half year old can do. Will post some pictures of her at school.

Bad News!

I asked Florence to attend church this morning, and to come to the second service which in Lozi. The English service had started, and then I saw Florence arriving. So I walked out of the church, and said hello to Florence, which normally just say her name, and she always smiles, and I love the fact that she knows its always me. And I asked how she was, and she said she was not okay. She said that her husband had beat her last night, then following that statement, she opened her mouth and showed me her bottom teeth which are falling out because of the abuse. And she showed me all the bruises and scratches. I have never felt so angry, disgusted and upset in my life, because Florence is so dear to me, and have so much love and respect for her. And I am so involved with her family, it feels like she is apart of my family. So when this happened , its like its happened to me in a way. So she asked me to come with her to the police. So of course I would go, so we said we would go after church. So we sat through the service, and to be honest, I am not sure what the service was about, because I was so distracted about what Florence told me. When Florence came to the church, Marinette asked if this was Florence, and I told her that she had been beaten and that I will go to the police with her. After the service, Moses ( pastor at the church ) came to me, and he said that Marinette had spoken to him, and he wants Kapatula (he is a big part of our church, and an amazing person) to come with me. I then phoned Margaret to inform her what has happened and to tell her I need to go to the police. But then she informed me that the police don't work on Sundays, and that I need to go tomorrow. Also Margaret's friend is the chief inspector, so tomorrow I have a meeting with her so we can report the case, and try catch the husband . So it will be myself, Florence and Kapatula. Unfortunately Margaret has gone north of the country as her niece passed away so she cannot attend.

So I will give an update tomorrow. Also I informed Jane about the situation, and she said she was going to the Nduna after church, to get the process moving faster and to get the paperwork.

What I believe makes me so angry, is that he did it in front of the children and for no reason at all.

I am deeply hurt, but soon she will be away from him. And its a good feeling that I can do this for her. Building her house, is not just giving her somewhere to live. Its giving her safety and a chance to live. I thank you once again for the support, and giving Florence a chance to live!

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