"The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams" - Oprah Winfrey

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Children at the Save A Life Centre

Kalissa 1 month ago
Kalissa now
This beautiful little girl is 6 years old. Her name is Kalissa. She is currently the size of a 2 year old. She is possibly the kindest and sweetest child I have ever met. When she came into the centre about 1 month ago, she was so malnourished that her body was so desperate for nutrients, it took her pigmentation away. Her hair was blonde and really soft, her eye lashes her blonde. Her body was a yellowish colour. Even her eye colour was light. Her face was swollen. But now, 1 month later, she is almost completely black,  her hair is black and becoming coarse.  Her face is not swollen. And her eye colour has gone darker. This is simply because of being fed properly.  It has been amazing to see her daily changes. I feel very blessed to have witnessed this amazing life changing change.

Wasa when she left.

Wasa when she arrived.
This is Wasa. She is 3 years old. She is litteraly the size of a baby.  She came into the centre about 2 weeks ago, severely malnourished. She weighed about 6kgs, when she is actually meant to weigh around 13- 14kgs.  She is so tiny, sometimes I am worried that she will break, as she seemed so fragile. She had already left the centre, looking very fat. And is a happy child.

Muhaho sitting
 Okay, I seriously love this little girl. Her name is Muhaho.
She is 1 years old. She came into the centre for developmental skills, as all she used to do was lie down. She left on Sunday, with the skill of being able to sit. She also gained a lot of weight as well from being in the centre.

Sharon has been in the Save A Life centre for a while now. She was born blind. She is 2 years now. She is mentally and physically very behind because of not being cared for and malnourishment. She cannot walk or crawl. She is extremely stiff, and battles to bend her legs. She hasn't started to form words at all or really make sounds. Her family abandoned her, but now this amazing aunt has taken up the courage to look after her. She was severely malnourished when she came into the centre. But now has improved so much.  Every week I see improvement. 

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